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Conference proceedings

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Please note: some years have no publications.


Towards a MIR silicon microphotonic sensor, Invited talk at iMaPS May 1st 2018, Boxboro, MA


L C. Kimerling, J Hu, AM Agarwal, “The mid-IR silicon photonics sensor platform,” SPIE OPTO in Photonics West, 101070J-101070J-1, 2017.

H Lin, D Kita, Z Han, P Su, A Agarwal, A Yadav, K Richardson, T Gu, J Hu, “Integrated photonics for infrared spectroscopic sensing,” SPIE Microtechnologies,” 102490G-102490G-12, 2017.

D Kita, H Lin, A Agarwal, A Yadav, K Richardson, I Luzinov, T Gu, J Hu, “On-chip infrared sensors: redefining the benefits of scaling,” SPIE BiOS, 100810F-100810F-14, 2017.

CROSSROADS Seminar in MIT Wong Auditorium “Supply chain for integrated silicon photonic sensors,” Invited talk presented on April 4th 2017

Unveiling SENSE.nano – a part of MIT.nano “Silicon photonic sensors,” Invited talk presented on May 25th 2017

Optical Society of America (OSA), “Chemical Sensing in the mid-infrared,” Invited Webinar presented on July 21st 2017.(; enter Anu Agarwal and to listen) 

AIM Photonics Meeting, “Methane Sensor DesignCase Study,” based on AIM Summer Academy’s photonic sensor design problem. Invited talk in Albany on Oct. 11th 2017. 

Society for Design and Process Science (SDPS), “Importance of silicon photonic sensors,” Invited keynote talk presented at the Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham on Nov. 7th 2017.


Guo, Yuhao; Wang, Jing; Han, Zhaohong; Kimerling, Lionel C; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Michel, Jurgen; Zheng, Zheng; Li, Guifang; Zhang, Lin, “Mid-IR Kerr frequency comb generation from 4000 to 10000 nm in a CMOS-compatible germanium microcavity,” CLEO: Applications and Technology, JTh2A. 92, 2016

Guo, Yuhao; Wang, Jing; Han, Zhaohong; Jafari, Zeinab; Zarifkar, Abbas; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu M; Kimerling, Lionel C; Michel, Jurgen; Zhang, Lin, “Wavelength-flexible Kerr Frequency Comb Generation Covering a 2000-nm Bandwidth in Mid-Infrared,” Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources, MM1C. 4, 2016 

Ma, Danhao; Han, Zhaohong; Du, Qingyang; Hu, Juejun; Kimerling, Lionel; Agarwal, Anu; Tan, Dawn TH, “SiC-on-insulator on-chip photonic sensor in a radiative environment,” IEEE SENSORS, 2016

Kita, Derek; Lin, Hongtao; Li, Junying; Han, Zhaohong; Su, Peter; Gu, Tian; Agarwal, Anu; Yadav, Anupama; Richardson, Kathleen; Hu, Juejun, “Suspended chalcogenide microcavities for ultra-sensitive chemical detection,” IEEE SENSORS, 2016

Novak, Spencer; Lin, Pao-Tai; Li, Cheng; Sisken, Laura; Deng, Weiwei; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anuradha; Richardson, Kathleen A, “Chalcogenide Glasses for Planar Devices,” ECS Meeting Abstracts 11, 785, 2016

Grillanda, Stefano; Singh, Vivek; Raghunathan, Vivek; Shutthanandan, Shuttha; Morichetti, Francesco; Melloni, Andrea; Kimerling, Lionel; Agarwal, Anuradha, “Effects of High-Energy Irradiation on Silicon Oxynitride and Silicon Photonic Waveguides,” IPR, Novel Optical Materials and Applications, JTu4A.15, 2016 

Ju Won Choi, Zhaohong Han, Byoung-Uk Sohn, George F. R. Chen, Lionel C. Kimerling, Kathleen A. Richardson, Anuradha M. Agarwal, and Dawn T. H. Tan, “Supercontinuum generation beyond 2µm in GeSbS waveguides,” in Frontiers in Optics JTh2A.163, 2016. (Optical Society of America, 2016), •

Yang, Minghui; Guo, Yuhao; Wang, Jing; Han, Zhaohong; Wada, Kazumi; Kimerling, Lionel C; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Michel, Jurgen; Li, Guifang; Zhang, Lin, “Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a low-dispersion Ge-on-Si waveguide using sub-picosecond pulses,” Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference, 36-37, 2016

Wang, Jing; Han, Zhaohong; Guo, Yuhao; Kimerling, Lionel C; Michel, Jurgen; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Li, Guifang; Zhang, Lin, “Robust generation of Kerr frequency combs with strong and localized spectral loss,” Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference, 153-154, 2016

Novak, Spencer; Singh, Vivek; Monmeyran, Corentin; Ingram, Adam; Han, Zhaohong; Lin, Hongtao; Borodinov, Nikolay; Patel, Neil; Du, Qingyang; Hu, Juejun, “Effect of Gamma Exposure on Chalcogenide Glass Films for Microphotonic Devices,”Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), IEEE, 2016

He, Liuqing; Guo, Yuhao; Han, Zhaohong; Wada, Kazumi; Kimerling, Lionel C; Michel, Jurgen; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Li, Guifang; Zhang, Lin, “Low-loss SOI waveguides at Mid-IR wavelengths (4800 nm) using the second-order TE mode,” in Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference,158-159, 2016


Pastor, David; Gandhi, Hemi; Monmeyran, Corentin P; Cai, Yan; Gwilliam, Russell M; Crowe, Iain F; Kimerling, Lionel C; Michel, Jurgen; Agarwal, Anu; Mazur, Eric, “N Type Doping of Strained Epitaxial Germanium Films Using Ion Implantation Followed by Nanosecond Pulse Laser Melting,” MRS Program: Symposium GG, Emerging Materials and Platforms for Optoelectronics, 2015


Bao, Changjing; Zhang, Lin; Yan, Yan; Huang, Hao; Xie, Guodong; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Kimerling, Lionel C; Michel, Jurgen; Willner, Alan E, “Tailoring of a broader and flatter frequency comb using a microring resonator with a low-index slot,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2-Jan, 2014

Lin, Pao; Kwok, Sen Wai; Lin, Hao-Yu Greg; Singh, Vivek; Kimerling, Lionel C; Whitesides, George M; Tan, Dawn TH; Agarwal, Anu, “Mid-Infrared Opto-Nanofluidic Slot-Waveguide for Label-Free On-Chip Chemical Sensing,” IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, 65-66, 2014

Lin, Pao T; Kwok, Sen W Wai; Lin, Hao-Yu Greg; Singh, Vivek; Kimerling, Lionel C; Whitesides, George; Agarwal, Anu, “Mid-infrared opto-nanofluidics for label-free on-chip sensing,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, STh3H.2, 2014

Zhang, Lin; Lin, Qiang; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel; Michel, Jurgen, “Enhanced self-frequency shift of cavity soliton in mode-locked octave-spanning frequency comb generation,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, SF2E. 2, 2014

Lin, Pao Tai; Singh, Vivek; Lin, Hao-Yu Greg; Tiwald, Tom; Kimerling, Lionel C; Tan, Dawn TH; Agarwal, Anuradha Murthy, “Low-stress silicon nitride platform for broadband mid-infrared microphotonics,” Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Technology Conference (AVFOP), 2014 IEEE, 75-76, 2014 

Lin, Pao; Jung, Hojoong; Kimerling, Lionel C; Agarwal, Anu; Tang, Hong X, “Low-Loss Aluminium Nitride Thin Film for Mid-Infrared Waveguiding,” IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, 67-68, 2014

Lin, Pao T; Lin, Hao-Yu Greg; Tiwald, Tom; Tan, DTH; Kimerling, Lionel; Agarwal, Anu, “Low-Stress Silicon Nitride for Mid-Infrared Microphotonics,” Integrated Photonics Research (IPR), Silicon and Nanophotonics, IM4A. 4, 2014

Zhang, Lin; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Kimerling, Lionel C; Michel, Jurgen, “Two-cycle pulse generation from mode-locked Kerr frequency combs based on an integrated dispersion-flattened micro-resonator,” SPIE LASE, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8960 896004-1, 2014

Lin, Pao Tai; Kwok, Sen Wai; Lin, Hao-Yu Greg; Singh, Vivek; Kimerling, Lionel C; Whitesides, George M; Tan, Dawn TH; Agarwa, Anu, “Mid-infrared opto-nanofluidics for on-chip chemical sensing,” Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference,135-137, 2014

Mu, Jianwei; Lin, Pao-Tai; Zhang, Lin; Duan, Xiaoman; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Kimerling, Lionel C, “Silicon Nitride 1×8 Power Splitter for Mid-Infrared Applications,” Laser Science, JW3A. 26, 2014


P. T. Lin, D. Bae, N. S. Patel, Y. Cai, L. C. Kimerling, A. Agarwal, “Efficient On-Chip Light Source Using High-Refractive-Index Sol-Gel Processed Er-TiO2 Micro-Ring Resonators,” 2013 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, December 2013

P. T. Lin, V. Singh, L. Kimerling, A. M. Agarwal, “Silicon Nitride Based Mid-Infrared Microphotonics for Sensor Applications,”IEEE SENSORS 2013 conference, Session: Optical Sensor Signal Analyses, Baltimore, MD. November 2013

P. Lin, V. Singh, Y. Cai, L. Kimerling, A. Agarwal, “Mid-Infrared Microphotonics Using Air-clad Silicon Pedestal Structures,”Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO, CTh4F.5 San Jose, CA. June 2013

P. Lin, V. Singh, J. Hu, K. Richardson, J. David Musgraves, I. Luzinov, et al., and A. Agarwal, “Mid-Infrared Chemical Sensors On-a-Chip Using Air-clad Pedestal Silicon Waveguides,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO, JW2A.65 San Jose, CA. June 2013

Lin, Pao; Lin, Hao-Yu Greg; Singh, Vivek; Patel, Neil Sunil; Kimerling, Lionel; Agarwal, Anuradha Murthy, “Silicon Platform for Mid-infrared Optofluidic Sensors,” MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, 2013 

Zhang, Lin; Mu, Jianwei; Singh, Vivek; Lin, Pao-Tai; Patel, Neil; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel C; Michel, Jurgen, “Improved Spectral Flatness and Sub-two-cycle Pulse Generation in Octave-Spanning Kerr Frequency Combs Using Micro-resonators with Two Zero-dispersion Wavelengths,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO, CM1L.2 San Jose, CA. June 2013

Zhang, Lin; Han, Zhaohong; Pearson, Brian; Yu, Wei; Cai, Yan; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel; Michel, Jurgen;Reversed self-steepening in nonlinear pulse propagation along a silicon nano-crystal slot waveguide with engineered dispersion of nonlinearityGroup IV Photonics (GFP), 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference, 168-169, 2013

Richardson, KA; Musgraves, JD; Wachtel, P; Novak, S; Danto, S; Agarwal, A; Singh, V; Lin, PT; Kimerling, LC; Hu, J, “Engineering materials for mid-infrared optical sensor applications,” MATEC Web of Conferences, 8, 02002, 2013

V. Singh, T. Zens, J. Hu, P.-T. Lin, J. Wang, et al. and A. Agarwal, “Monolithically Integrated Evanescently-Coupled Photodetector for Infrared Glass-on-Silicon Sensing Platform,” 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Symposium C: Glasses for Optoelectronic and Optical Applications, PACRIM10-SC-003-2013, San Diego, CA. June 2013

V. Singh, J. Giammarco, A. P Soliani, P.-T. Lin, J. Hu, et al. and A. Agarwal, “Polymer-coated Microdisk Resonators for Infrared Chemical Sensing,” 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Symposium C: Glasses for Optoelectronic and Optical Applications, PACRIM10-SC-004-2013, San Diego, CA. June 2013

P. T. Lin, H.-Y. G. Lin, V. Singh, N. S. Patel, et al., “Mid-infrared Silicon Platform for Chip-scale Chemical Sensors,”TechConnect World – Nanotech, Microtech, Biotech, Cleantech Joint Conferences, MD, May 2013

P. T. Lin, V. Singh, Y. Cai, N. S. Patel, L. Kimerling, A. M. Agarwal, “Mid-infrared Silicon Microphotonic Cavities with High Resonance of Q~10^5,” TechConnect World – Nanotech, Microtech, Biotech, Cleantech Joint Conferences, MD, May 2013

K. Richardson, J. D. Musgraves, P. F. Wachtel, S. Novak, S. Danto, A. Agarwal, V. Singh, P-T Lin, et al.,“Engineering Materials for Mid-Infrared Optical Sensor Applications,” 1st Intl. Congress on Progress in Ultrafast Laser Processing of Materials, Cargese, Corsica, April 2013


P. T. Lin, V. Singh, Y. Cai, L. Zhang, N. S. Patel, J. Mu, L. C. Kimerling, J. Hu and A. Agarwal, “Silicon Platform for Mid-infrared Optofluidic Sensors,” 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2012

Lin, Pao T; Vanhoutte, M; Hu, J; Patel, NS; Singh, V; Cai, Y; Camacho, R; Michel, J; Kimerling, LC; Agarwal, A, “Photonic Crystals on Erbium doped tellurite Thin Films for Broadband Enhanced Photoluminescence at Near Infrared,” MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, 1392, 2012

Zhang, Lin; Lin, Qiang; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel; Michel, Jurgen, “On-chip sub-cycle pulse generation via a two-octave supercontinuum from visible to mid-infrared wavelengths,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, CTu3G. 4, 2012

Grillanda, Stefano; Canciamilla, Antonio; Morichetti, Francesco; Hu, Juejun; Raghunathan, Vivek; Singh, Vivek; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel C; Melloni, Andrea. “Exploiting photosensitive As2S3 chalcogenide glass in photonic integrated circuits,” 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 4-Jan, 2012

Raghunathan, Vivek; Grillanda, Stefano; Canciamilla, Antonio; Singh, Vivek; Morichetti, Francesco; Michel, Jurgen; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Melloni, Andrea; Kimerling, Lionel C, “High capacity, photo-trimmable athermal silicon waveguides,” Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference, 45-47, 2012

Raghunathan, Vivek; Grillanda, Stefano; Singh, Vivek; Canciamilla, Antonio; Morichetti, Francesco; Agarwal, Anuradha; Michel, Jurgen; Melloni, Andrea; Kimerling, Lionel C, “Trimming of athermal silicon resonators,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IW4C. 5, 2012

P. T. Lin, V. Singh, Yan Cai, Lin Zhang, Neil Sunil Patel, Jianwei Mu, Lionel C. Kimerling, Juejun Hu and Anu Agarwal, “Mid-infrared Silicon Waveguide Resonators with Q~105 by Using Photonic Crystal Cavities,” 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2012

P. Lin, V. Singh, Y. Cai, L. Zhang, N. Patel, J. Mu, et al., “Mid-Infrared Silicon Waveguide Resonators with Q~4×105 By Using Bragg Grating Cavities,” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXVIII (FiO/LS) meeting, FTu4A.2 Rochester, NY, October 2012

P. Lin, V. Singh, Y. Cai, L. Zhang, N. Patel, J. Mu, L. Kimerling, A. Agarwal, “Low Loss Mid-Infrared Silicon Waveguides by Using Pedestal Geometry,” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXVIII (FiO/LS) meeting, FM4E.3 Rochester, NY, October 2012

Lin, Hongtao; Zou, Yi; Danto, Sylvain; Musgraves, J David; Richardson, Kathleen; Lin, Pao-Tai; Singh, Vivek; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel C; Hu, Juejun, “Mid-Infrared As2Se3 Chalcogenide Glass-on-Silicon Waveguides,” 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), ThP3 246-248, San Diego, CA, August, 2012

P. Lin, N. Patel, V. Singh, L. Kimerling, A. Agarwal, J. Scherer, M. Bawendi, et al., A, Agarwal, “Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals on Hybrid Quantum Dots/ Chalcogenide Thin Films and Their Emission Properties,” GOMD Annual Meeting Symposium: Optical Materials and Devices Session: Active optical materials, St. Louis, MO, May 2012

P. Lin, M. Vanhoutte, J. Hu, N. Patel, V. Singh, Y. Cai, et al. and A. Agarwal, “Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals on Erbium Doped Tellurite Thin Films and its Anisotropic Photoluminescence,” GOMD Annual Meeting Symposium: Optical Materials and Devices Session: Active optical materials, St. Louis, MO, May 2012

M. Vanhoutte, H. Lin, V. Singh, P.-T. Lin, J. Hu, A. Agarwal, L. C. Kimerling, “GeSbS Waveguides on Er-TeO2 for Optical Amplification,” GOMD Annual Meeting Symposium: Optical Materials and Devices Session: Active optical materials, St. Louis, MO, May 2012

Lin, Pao; Vanhoutte, Michiel; Hu, Juejun; Patel, Neil; Singh, V; Zhang, Lin; Kimerling, Lionel; Agarwal, A; Dimas, Clara,“Anisotropic Photoluminescence from Er-TeO2 Thin Films Photonic Crystals for On-Chip NIR Light Source,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO, Science and Innovations, Applications and Technology, JW4A, 80 San Jose, California May 6, 2012

L. Zhang, V. Singh, P.-T. Lin, A. Agarwal, L. C. Kimerling, J. Michel, “Engineering Spectral Variation of FSR by Tailoring Dispersion for Octave-Spanning Comb Generation Based on Micro-Resonators,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPRSN), OSA tropic meeting, ITu2B.3 Colorado Springs, CO, 2012

Scherer, David R; Hensley, Joel M; Parameswaran, Krishnan R; Casse, B Didier F; Singh, Vivek; Lin, Pao T; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel C; Giammarco, James; Wilkinson, Jacklyn, “Characterization of Mid-Infrared Interband Cascade Laser Coupling to a Gesbs Chalcogenide Glass Waveguide,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO, Science and Innovations, CM4M.4 San Jose, California May 6-11, 2012


Patel, Neil; Geyer, Scott; Scherer, Jennifer; Bawendi, Moungi; Carlie, Nathan; Musgraves, J David; Richardson, Kathleen; Hu, Juejun; Lin, Pao T; Becla, Piotr; Agarwal, Anu, “Infrared Colloidal Quantum Dot Chalcogenide Films for Integrated Light Sources,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IWG3, 2011 

Melloni, Andrea; Canciamilla, Antonio; Ferrari, Carlo; Grillanda, Stefano; Morichetti, Francesco; Velha, Philippe; Sorel, Marc; Hu, Juejun; Musgraves, J David; Zdyrko, Bogdan, “Exploiting photosensitivity in chalcogenide-assisted integrated optics,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IMB1, 2011

Canciamilla, A; Grillanda, S; Ferrari, C; Morichetti, F; Melloni, A; Velha, P; Sorel, M; Hu, JJ; Musgraves, JD; Richardson, K, “Visible light trimming of chalcogenide-assisted photonic integrated circuits,” Group IV Photonics (GFP), 8th IEEE International Conference, 56-58, 2011

Canciamilla, Antonio; Morichetti, Francesco; Carlie, Nathan; Musgraves, J David; Zdyrko, Bogdan; Luzinov, Igor; Richardson, Kathleen; Hu, Juejun; Singh, Vivek; Agarwal, Anu, “Visible Light Trimming of Coupled Ring-Resonator Filters in As2S3 Chalcogenide Glass Technology,” The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CE5-5, 2011

Richardson, Kathleen; Carlie, Nathan; Musgraves, J David; Zdyrko, Bogdan; Luzinov, Igor; Hu, Juejun; Singh, Vivek; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel C; Canciamilla, Antonio, “Integrated chalcogenide waveguide resonators for mid-IR sensing: Leveraging material properties to meet fabrication challenges,” Advances in Optical Materials, AIThB19, 2011

Zens, Timothy W; Wang, Jianfei; Hu, Juejun; Kimerling, Lionel; Agarwal, Anu, “Resonant Cavity Enhancement of Polycrystalline PbTe Films for Two-Color IR detectors on Si-ROICs,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, ITuA5, 2011

Singh, Vivek; Hu, Juejun; Zens, Timothy W; Wang, Jianfei; Lin, Pao T; Wilkinson, Jacklyn; Novak, Spencer; Musgraves, J David; Kimerling, Lionel; Richardson, Kathleen, “Novel designs for on-chip mid-infrared detectors integrated with chalcogenide waveguides,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, ITuC6, 2011

Zens, Timothy; Becla, Piotr; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Kimerling, Lionel C; Drehman, Alvin, “Amorphous InSb and InAs0. 3Sb0. 7 for long wavelength infrared detection,” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 80123Y-80123Y-8, 2011

Lin, Pao T; Vanhoutte, Michiel; Hu, Juejun, “Temperature-enhanced light emission from Er-TeO2 Photonic Crystals,”Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IMF6, 2011

Giammarco, James; Zdyrko, Bogdan; Petit, Laeticia; Musgraves, J David; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel; Richardson, Kathleen; Luzinov, Igor, “Polymer enrichment nanocoating for IR-ATR waveguides,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 242, 2011      

Giammarco, James M; Zdyrko, Bogdan; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel C; Carlie, Nathan; Petit, Laeticia; Richardson, Kathleen; Luzinov, Igor, “Design and application of multiple polymer layered systems to facilitate waveguide sensor detection,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 240, 2011

Giammarco, James M; Zdyrko, Bogdan; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel; Carlie, Nathan; Petit, Laeticia; Richardson, Kathleen; Luzinov, Igor, “Enrichment polymer layers for detection of volatile vapors by ATR FT-IR,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 241, 2011

Altal, Faleh M; Dimas, Clara; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel, “Erbium-Doped Chalcogenide Glass Micro-Disks as Monolithic Mid-IR Laser Sources,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IWA4, 2011


Musgraves, J David; Carlie, Nathan; Guery, Guillaume; Wachtel, Peter; Petit, Laeticia; Richardson, Kathleen; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel; Anderson, Troy, “Chalcogenide glasses and their photosensitivity: Engineered materials for device applications,” Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BWD1, OSA, 2010

Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel; Morichetti, Francesco; Melloni, Andrea; Carlie, Nathan; Richardson, Kathleen, “Cavity-Enhanced Photosensitivity in As2S3 Chalcogenide Glass,” Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, OSA, BWD2, 2010

Wang, Jianfei; Hu, Juejun; Sun, Xiaochen; Becla, Piotr; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel, “Cavity-Enhanced Multispectral Photodetector on a Si Platform: Theory, Materials, and Devices,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, ITuA4, 2010

Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, Anu; Kimerling, Lionel C; Carlie, Nathan; Zdyrko, Bogdan; Petit, Laeticia; Luzinov, Igor; Richardson, Kathleen, “Towards on-chip, integrated chalcogenide glass based biochemical sensors,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OTuB2, 2010

Sheng, Xing; Liu, Jifeng; Kozinsky, Inna; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Michel, Jurgen; Kimerling, Lionel C, “Efficient light trapping structure in thin film silicon solar cells,”    35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 001575-001576, 2010


Wang, Jianfei; Hu, Juejun; Sun, Xiaochen; Becla, Piotr; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Kimerling, Lionel C, “Spectral selective mid-infrared detector on a silicon platform,” Group IV Photonics, 2009. GFP’09, 6th IEEE International Conference, 235-237, 2009

Sheng, Xing; Liu, Jifeng; Michel, Jurgen; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Kimerling, Lionel C, “Low-cost, deterministic quasi-periodic photonic structures for light trapping in thin film silicon solar cells,” 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 002395-002398, 2009

Hu, Juejun; Carlie, Nathan; Feng, Ning-Ning; Petit, Laeticia; Agarwal, Anu; Richardson, Kathleen; Kimerling, Lionel, “Design, Fabrication and Integration of HIC Glass Waveguides on a Silicon Platform,” Proc. of SPIE, 6896-35, 2009


Hu, Juejun; Carlie, Nathan; Feng, Ning-Ning; Petit, Laeticia; Agarwal, Anu; Richardson, Kathleen; Kimerling, Lionel, “Integrated HIC High-Q Resonators in Chalcogenide Glass,” Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, IWA2, 2008

Anderson, Troy P; Carlie, Nathan; Hu, Juejun; Petit, Laeticia; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Choi, Jiyeon; Kimerling, Lionel C; Richardson, Kathleen; Richardson, Martin, “Microstructured chalcogenide glasses using femtosecond laser irradiation or photolithography,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CTuG6, 2008

Wang, Jianfei; Hu, Juejun; Sun, Xiaochen; Agarwal, Anuradha M; Lim, Desmond R; Kimerling, Lionel C, “One-dimensional photonic crystal and photoconductive PbTe film for low cost resonant-cavity-enhanced mid-infrared photodetector,”Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, IWE6, 2008


Hu, Juejun; Tarasov, Vladimir; Carlie, Nathan; Sun, Rong; Petit, Laeticia; Agarwal, Anu; Richardson, Kathleen; Kimerling, Lionel, “Low-loss integrated planar chalcogenide waveguides for microfluidic chemical sensing,” Proc. SPIE, 6444, 2007

Anderson, T; Carlie, Nathan; Petit, Laeticia; Hu, Juejun; Agarwal, A; Viens, JJ; Choi, Jiyeon; Kimerling, LC; Richardson, Kathleen; Richardson, Martin, “Refractive index modifications in Chalcogenide films induced by sub-bandgap near-IR femtosecond pulses,” Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2007

Sun, X; Hu, J; Hong, CY; Viens, J; Das, R; Agarwal, AM; Kimerling, LC, “Multispectral Photonic Crystal Photo Sensor,”Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 952, 2007


Lirong Zeng, Yasha Yi, Ching-Yin Hong, Bernard A. Alamariu, Jifeng Liu, Xiaoman Duan, Lionel C. Kimerling, “New solar cells with novel light trapping via textured photonic crystal back reflector,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, “Progress in Semiconductor Materials V – Novel Materials and Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications,” 891, 251-256 (2006).

D.T. Danielson, J. Michel, L.C. Kimerling, “Thermal agglomeration of ultra-thin SOI and SSOI films: A quantitative stability study and physical model to guide ultra-thin SOI process design,” ECS Transactions, “Silicon Materials Science and Technology X,” 2, (2), 375-389 (2006).

L.C. Kimerling, D. Ahn, A.B. Apsel, M. Beals, D. Carothers, Y.-K. Chen, T. Conway, D.M. Gill, M. Grove, C.-Y. Hong, M. Lipson, J. Liu, J. Michel, D. Pan, S.S. Patel, A.T. Pomerene, M. Rasras, D.K. Sparacin, K.-Y. Tu, A.E. White, C.W. Wong, “Electronic-photonic integrated circuits on the CMOS platform,” Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Silicon Photonics, 6125, 612502 (2006).

F.X. Kartner, S. Akiyama, G. Barbastathis, T. Barwicz, H. Byun, D.T Danielson, F. Gan, F. Grawert, C.W Holzwarth, J.L. Hoyt, E.P. Ippen, M. Kim, L.C. Kimerling, J. Liu, J. Michel, O.O. Olubuyide, J.S. Orcutt, M. Park, M. Perrott, M.A. Popovic, P.T. Rackich, R.J. Ram, H.I. Smith, M.R. Watts, “Electronic photonic integrated circuits for high speed, high resolution, analog to digital conversion,” Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Silicon Photonics, 6125, 612503 (2006)

Return to top


L. Dal Negro, J.H. Yi , M. Stolfi, J. Michel, J. Le Blanc, J. Haavisto and L.C. Kimerling, “Light Emitting Silicon Nanostructures,” 2005 IEEE IEDM (International Electron Devices Meeting) Technical Digest,40.1.1 (2005).

L. Dal Negro, M. Stolfi, J. Michel, J. Le Blanc, J. Haavisto, L.C. Kimerling, “Energy sensitization in erbium-doped silicon-rich oxide films annealed at low temperatures,” 2005 IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics2005, 87-89, (2005).

Daniel K. Sparacin, John P. Lock, Ching-Yin Hong, K.K. Gleason, L.C. Kimerling, Jurgen Michel, “Trimming of silicon nitride microring resonators with a polysilane top cladding,” 2005 IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2005, 117-119 (2005).

V. Nguyen, T. Montalbo, C. Manolatou, A. Agarwal, J. Yasaitis, L.C. Kimerling, J. Michel, “Compact 3dB single mode fiber-to-waveguide coupler,” 2005 IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics2005, 195-197 (2005).

Lirong Zeng, Yasha Yi, Ching-Yin Hong, Xiaoman Duan, Lionel C. Kimerling, “New light trapping in thin film solar cells using textured photonic crystals,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon Science and Technology 2005, 862, 381-386 (2005).

L. Dal Negro, J.H. Yi, V. Nguyen, Y. Yi, J. Michel, L.C. Kimerling, “Light emission in aperiodic thue-morse dielectrics,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Group-IV Semiconductor Nanostructures, 832, 15-20 (2005).

M. Stolfi, L. Dal Negro, J. Michel, X. Duan, J. Le Blanc, J. Haavisto, L.C. Kimerling, “CMOS compatible erbium coupled Si nanocrystal thin films for microphotonics,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Group-IV Semiconductor Nanostructures, 832, 373-377 (2005).

Yasha Yi, Peter Bermel, Shoji Akiyama, Xiaoman Duan, Lionel C. Kimerling, “On-chip silicon based waveguide with light guiding in low index core materials,” Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE, Optoelectronic Integration on Silicon II, 5730, 181-187 (2005).

Jifeng Liu, Jurgen Michel, Douglas D. Cannon, Wojciech Giziewicz, D. Pan, David T. Danielson, Samerkhae Jongthammanurak, John Yasaitis, Kazumi Wada, Clifton G. Fonstad, Lionel C. Kimerling, “High speed Ge photodetectors on Si platform for GHz optical communications in C+L bands,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Progress in Compound Semiconductor Materials IV – Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications, 829, 285-289 (2005).

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S. Saini, K. Chen, X. Duan, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Er 2 O 3 for high gain waveguide amplifiers,” Journal of Electronic Materials.

S. Akiyama, M. Popovic, K. Wada, J. Michel, L.C. Kimerling, and H.A. Haus, “Air trench waveguide bends for high density optical integration,” Proceedings of SPIE, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2004.

S. Saini, J. Sandland, A. Eshed, D. Sparacin, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “High index contrast silicon oxynitride materials platform for Er-doped microphotonic amplifiers,” Proceedings of the MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2004).

Return to top


D. Cannon, S. Jongthammanurak, J. Liu, D.T. Danielson, K. Wada, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Near-infrared Ge Photodetectors Fabricated on Si Substrates with CMOS Technology,” Proceedings of the MRS, 770 I.3 (2003).

D.D. Cannon, H.-C. Luan, D.T. Danielson, S. Jongthammanurak, J. Liu, J. Michel, K. Wada, and L.C. Kimerling, “Monolithic Si-based technology for optical receiver circuits,” Proceedings of the SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering, 4999 145 (2003).

D.K. Sparacin, K. Wada, and L.C. Kimerling, “Oxidation kinetics of waveguide roughness minimization in silicon microphotonics,” OSA Topical Meeting: Integrated Photonics Research, p.129 (2003).

T. Montalbo, K. Wada, and L.C. Kimerling, “Superprism reflector for thin crystalline silicon solar cells,” 13 th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Modules, Vail, Colorado, August 2003.

Return to top


Y. Yi, P. Bermel, K.Wada, X. Duan, J.D. Joannopoulos, and L.C. Kimerling, “Low voltage tunable one dimensional photonic crystal with large air defects,” Proceedings of the MRS 722 L3.3 (2002).

J. Michel, “Microphotonics, building the next platform for the Information Age,” Proceedings of Symposium on Nano-Device Technology, 2002 2 (2002).

X. Duan, S. Saini, K. Chen, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Phase transformation and photoluminescence,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (2002). (resubmitting to different publication as MRS proceedings deadline was missed)

K. Wada, H.S. Luan, K.K. Lee, S. Akiyama, J. Michel, L.C. Kimerling, Milos Popovic, and H.A. Haus, “Silicon and silica platform for on-chip optical interconnection,” LEOS, (2002).

S. Saini, K. Chen, X. Duan, J. Michel, K. Wada, L.C. Kimerling, and M. Lipson, “Design for high gain in waveguide amplifiers,” in OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics (TOPS), 78 Integrated Photonics Research, OSA Technical Digest, Postconference Edition (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2002), pp. IFG3-1>IFG3-3.

Return to top


D.B. Fenner, R.P. Torti, L.P. Allen, N. Toyoda, A.R. Kirkpatrick, J.A. Greer, V. DiFilippo, and J. Hautala, “Etching and surface smoothing with gas-cluster ion beams,” Proceedings of the MRS, 585 27 (2001).

N. Toyoda, K.K. Lee, H.-C. Luan, D.R. Lim, A. Agarwal, K. Wada, L.C. Kimerling, L.P. Allen, D.B. Fenner, and A.R. Kirkpatrick, “Surface smoothing of polycrystalline Si waveguides with gas-cluster ion beams,” Proceedings of the MRS, 597 51 (2001).

H.-C. Luan, L. Giovane, L. Colace, G. Masini, G. Assanto, K. Chen, K. Wada, and L.C. Kimerling, “Germanium photodetectors for silicon microphotonics,” Proceedings of the MRS, 637 E5.6.1 (2001).

X. Duan, K. Chen, S. Saini, M. Lipson, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Effect of crystallization on photoluminescence of Er 2 O 3 thin films,” Proceedings of the MRS, 694 (2001).

L.C. Kimerling, “Microphotonics: the next platform for the Information Age,” Proceedings of Commemorative International Symposium: New Frontier of Electronic Materials and Devices, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka, Japan, 1/2 23 (2001).

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H.-C. Luan, D.R. Lim, L. Colace, G. Masini, G. Assanto, K. Wada, and L.C. Kimerling, “Germanium photodetectors for silicon microphotonics by direct epitaxy on silicon,” Proceedings of the MRS, 607(2000).

G. Masini, L. Colace, G. Assanto, H.-C. Luan, K. Wada, and L.C. Kimerling, “Ge-on-Si high responsivity near-infrared photodetectors,” Proceedings of SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering, 3953 103 (2000).

K. Wada, S. Fan, T.D. Chen, J.D. Joannopoulos, and L.C. Kimerling, “Electronic and photonic bandgap engineering for microcavity resonators,” Proceedings of the 3 rd International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology of Silicon Materials, JSPS, 19 Nov 2000 in Kono, HA, J83-C (6) 797 (2000).

K. Wada, S. Fan, T.D. Chen, J.D. Joannopoulos, and L.C. Kimerling, “Electronic and photonic bandgap engineering in microresonators,” The Electronics Society, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J83-C (9) 797 (2000).

L.C. Kimerling, “Silicon microphotonics: The next platform for the Information Age,” Proceedings of the 3 rd International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology of Silicon Materials, JSPS, 19 Nov 2000 in Kona, HI, pp. 7-12 (2000).

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The 1990s


A. Agarwal, J.S. Foresi, L.M. Giovane, L. Liao, J. Michel, K. Wada, and L.C. Kimerling, “Defect engineering for Si microphotonics,” Defects in silicon: Proceedings of the 3 rd International Symposium ECS, 99 215 (1999).

L.C. Kimerling, “Silicon Materials for the Next Millenium,” Proceedings of the 8 th International Autumn Meeting: Gettering and defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology, H.G. Grimmeiss, et al, Eds. (Zurich: Scitec Publications, 1999) p. 131.

P. Kopperschmidt, H.-C. Luan, and L.C. Kimerling, “Recent developments in adhesion-enhanced high-vacuum bonding by in situ plasma surface precleaning,” The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, ECS Conference, Oct. 17-21, Hawaii (1999).

D.R. Lim, B.E. Little, K.K. Lee, M. Morse, H.H. Fujimoto, H.A. Haus, and L.C. Kimerling, “Micron-sized channel dropping filters using silicon waveguide devices,” Proceedings of SPIE: the International Society for Optical Engineering, 3847 65-71 (1999).

K.K. Lee, D.R. Lim, A. Agarwal, D. Ripin, H.H. Fujimoto, M. Morse, and L.C. Kimerling, “Performance of polycrystalline silicon waveguide devices for compact on-chip optical interconnection,” Proceedings of SPIE: the International Society for Optical Engineering, 3847 120 (1999).

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T. Chen, A.M. Agarwal, L.M. Giovane, J.S. Foresi, L. Liao, D.R. Lim, M.T. Morse, E.J. Ouellette, S.H. Ahn, X. Duan, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Light-emitting diodes: Research, manufacturing and applications II,” Proceedings of the SPIE – Photonics West Symposium, San Jose, CA, 3279 136 (1998).

A.L. Smith, S.H. Ahn, and L.C. Kimerling, “A gettering simulator: Polished wafers and p/p ++ epilayers,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on silicon Materials Science and Technology ECS, San Diego, CA, in Semiconductor Silicon/1998, 98-1 (The Electrochemical Society,1998) p. 360.

K. Wada, H. Aga, K. Mitani, T. Abe, M. Suezawa, and L.C. Kimerling, “A new approach of photonic bandgap formation: Wafer bonding and delamination technique,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Hiroshima, Japan, 30 382 (1998).

K. Wada, T. Chen, J. Michel, L.C. Kimerling, H. Aga, K. Mitani, and T. Abe. Suezawa, “Photonic band gap by wafer bonding and delamination,” Proceedings of the MRS, 535 (1998).

J. Michel, L.V.C. Assali, M.T. Morse, and L.C. Kimerling, “Erbium in silicon,” Chapter 4, Light Emission in Silicon: From Physics to Devices, David J. Lockwood, Ed. (Vol. 49 of Semiconductors and Semimetals ) (Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1998) pp. 111-156.

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L.C. Kimerling, “Silicon for Photonics,” Proceedings of the SPIE – Photonics West Symposium, San Jose, CA 3002 192 (1997). INVITED

L. Giovane, L. Liao, D. Lim, A. Agarwal, E. Fitzgerald, and L.C. Kimerling, “Si 0.5 Ge 0.5 relaxed buffer photodetectors and low-loss polycrystalline silicon waveguides for integrated optical interconnects at ? = 1.3 µm,” Proceedings of the SPIE – Photonics West Symposium, San Jose, CA 3007 74 (1997).

J.S. Foresi, D.R. Lim, L. Liao, A. Agarwal, and L.C. Kimerling, “Small radius bends and large angle splitters in SOI wavelengths,” Proceedings of the SPIE – Photonics West Symposium, San Jose, CA 3007 112 (1997).

S. Ahn, J. Palm, B. Zheng, X. Duan, A. Agarwal, S. Nelson, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Electrical study of crystalline silicon coimplanted with erbium and oxygen,” Proceedings of the SPIE – Photonics West Symposium, San Jose, CA 3007 144 (1997).

L.C. Kimerling, “Design: The New Materials Challenge for silicon ULSI,” Proceedings of the GADEST ’97 Conference in Solid State Phenomena, 57-58 1 (1997). INVITED

J.S. Foresi, P.R. Villeneuve, J. Ferrera, E.R. Thoen, G. Steinmeyer, S. Fan, J.D. Joannopoulos, L.C. Kimerling, H.I. Smith, and E.P. Ippen, “Measurement of cavity resonance in a PBG waveguide microcavity at a wavelength of 1.564 µm,” Proceedings CLEO/the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasersand Electro-optics, Chiba, JAPAN, 102 (1997).

L.C. Kimerling, “Trends in silicon photonics,” Proceedings of The Symposium for the 20 th Anniversary of the 145 th Committee on Processing and Characterization of Crystals of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan, 42 (1997). INVITED

C.H. Fine and L.C. Kimerling, “Biography of a Killer Technology: Optoelectronics Drives Industrial Growth with the Speed of Light,” in OIDA Future Vision Program, July 1997 (Optoelectronics Industry Development Association, Washington DC, 1997) pp. 1-22.

S. Ahn, S. Zhao, A.L. Smith, L.L. Chalfoun, M. Platero, H. Nakashima, and L.C. Kimerling, “Gettering of Fe by aluminum in p-type Cz silicon,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 442 169 (1997).

S. Zhao, A.M. Agarwal, J.L. Benton, G.H. Gilmer, and L.C. Kimerling, “Interstitial defect reactions in silicon,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 442 231 (1997).

X. Duan, J. Palm, B. Zheng, M. Morse, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Defects in erbium/oxygen implanted silicon,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 442 249 (1997).

A. Reddy, G.J. Norga, Park, A. Smith, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “In-situ monitoring of HF reprocessing in an industrial scale recirculator bath,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 447 3 (1997).

L.M. Giovane, D.R. Lim, S.H. Ahn, T.D. Chen, J.S. Foresi, L. Liao, E.J. Oulette, A.M. Agarwal, X. Duan, J. Michel, A. Thilderkvist, and L.C. Kimerling, “Materials for monolithic silicon microphotonics,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 486 45 (1997).

S. Zhao and L.C. Kimerling, “Defect reactions induced by reactive ion etching,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 490 123 (1997).

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L. Chalfoun, G. Norga, S. Zhao, and L.C. Kimerling, “In-line materials quality monitor for crystalline silicon solar cell fabrication,” Proceedings of the 13 th NREL Photovoltaics Program Review, 353 535 (1996).

J. Michel, B. Zheng, J. Palm, E. Ouellette, F. Gan, and L.C. Kimerling, “Erbium-doped silicon for light emitting devices,” Proceedings of the MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA 422 317 (1996).

M. Morse, B. Zheng, J. Palm, X. Duan, and L.C. Kimerling, “Properties of ion-implanted and UHV-CVD grown Si:Er,” Proceedings of the MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA 422 41 (1996).

J. Foresi, M.R. Black, A.M. Agarwal, and L.C. Kimerling, “Polysilicon Waveguides for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 403 327 (1996).

G.J. Norga, K.A. Black, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Impact of gold and copper on the recombination activity of a hydrogen terminated silicon surface,” in Proceedings of the 3 rd International Symposium UCPSS 1996, Antwerp, Belgium, 135 (1996).

L.C. Kimerling, “Silicon for photonics,” Proceedings of the 2 nd International Symposium on “Advanced Science and Technology of Silicon Materials”, Kona, HI, 540(1996). INVITED

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J. Michel, M. R Black, G.J. Norga, K.A. Black, H. M’saad, and L.C. Kimerling, ” In -Situ wafer contamination detection through RF-PCD measurements,” Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Microelectronic Manufacturing, Austin, TX, 2638 256 (1995).

J. Palm and L.C. Kimerling, “Defects and future silicon technology,” Proceedings of the MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 378 547 (1995). INVITED

J. Palm and L.C. Kimerling, “Nonradiative energy back transfer from erbium in silicon by impurity auger process,” Proceedings of SPIE, 2706 31 (1995).

G.J. Norga, K.A. Black, M.R. Black, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “In-Line monitoring of wet cleaning processes using radio frequency photoconductance decay,” Proceedings of the 4 th International Symposium on Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing, Chicago, Illinois, 158 (1995).

L.C. Kimerling, J.Michel, H. M’saad, and G.J. Norga, “Microdefect analysis of silicon: Tools and strategies,” in Semiconductor Characterization: Present Status and Future Needs, W.M. Bullis, D.G. Seiler and A.C. Diebold, Eds. (AIP Press, Woodbury, NY, 1995) pp. 97-102.

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F.Y.G. Ren, J. Michel, D.C. Jacobson, J.M. Poate, and L.C. Kimerling, “Fluorine-enhanced Si:Er light emission,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 316 493 (1994).

H. M’saad, G.J. Norga, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Defect monitoring and control for crystalline silicon processing,” AIP Conference Proceedings, 306 471 (1994).

H. M’saad, J.Michel, A.J. Reddy, and L.C. Kimerling, “Monitoring and optimization of silicon surface quality,” Proceedings of the 3 rd International Symposium on Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing, J. Ruzyllo and R.E. Novak, Eds. 94-97, (The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 1994) p. 505.

L.C. Kimerling, D.M. Koker, B. Zheng, F.Y.G. Ren, and J. Michel, “Erbium-doped silicon for integrated optical interconnects,” Proceedings of the 4 th Biennial Department of defense Fiber Optics and Photonics Conference, (AFCEA, Fairfax, VA, 1994).

G.J. Norga, K.A. Black, H. M’saad, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling, “Metal adsorption on silicon surfaces from wet wafer cleaning solutions,” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ultraclean Processing of Silicon Surfaces, UCPSS 1994, Brugge, Belgium, 221(1994).

L.C. Kimerling, D.M. Koker, B Zheng, F.Y.G. Ren, and J. Michel, “Erbium-doped silicon for integrated optical interconnects,” in Semiconductor Silicon/1994, H.R. Huff, W. Bergholz, and K. Sumino, Eds. (The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 1994) p. 486.

J. Michel and L.C. Kimerling, “Electrical properties of oxygen in silicon,” in Semiconductors and Semimetals, 42 F. Shimura Ed., (Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1994) p. 251.

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F.Y.G. Ren, J. Michel, Q. Sun-Paduano, B. Zheng, H. Kitagawa, D.C. Jacobson, J.M. Poate, and L.C. Kimerling, “IC compatible processing of Si:Er for optoelectronics,” Proceedings of the MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA 301 87 (1993).

1992 — N/A

1991 — N/A

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L.C. Kimerling, “Fundamental limits in semiconductor materials processing,” in Defect Control in Semiconductors, K. Sumino, Ed. (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North Holland, NY 1990) p. 1.

M.K. Sheinkman and L.C. Kimerling, “The mechanisms of electronically enhanced defect reactions in semiconductors,” in Defect Control in Semiconductors, K. Sumino, Ed. (Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., North Holland, NY 1990) p.97.

P.J. Drevinsky, C.E. Caefer, L.C. Kimerling, and J.L. Benton, “Carbon-related defects in silicon,” in Defect Control in Semiconductors, K. Sumino, Ed. (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North Holland, NY 1990) p. 341.

L.C. Kimerling, “Defect control in silicon processing,” in Semiconductor Silicon 1990, H.R. Huff, K.G. Baraclough, and J. Chikawa, Eds., 90-7 (Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 1990), p. 117.

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The 1980s


J. Michel, J. Jeong, K.M. Lee, and L.C. Kimerling, “The role of oxygen in p-type InP,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA 163 151 (1989).

L.C. Kimerling, “Structure and properties of point defects in semiconductors,” in Point and Extended Defects in Semiconductors, G. Benedek, A. Cavallini, and W. Schroter, Eds. (Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1989) p. 1.

D. Apelian, C. Eckert, L.C. Kimerling, H. Marcus, D.R. Sadoway, R.A. Sprague, and H.N.G. Wadley, “On-line control of metal processing,” (Report of the Committee on On-Line Control of Metal Processing), National materials Advisory Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, NMAB-44 (National Academy Press, 1989) p. 1.

R.C. Farrow, M.T. Asom, L.C. Kimerling, and K.A. Jackson, “SEM study of phase transformations in a-Sn thin films,” in Institute of Physics Conference Series, 100 249 (1989).

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J.L. Benton, M.T. Asom, R. Sauer, and L.C. Kimerling, “Identification of interstitial carbon related defects in silicon,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 104 85 (1988).

P.J. Drevinsky, C.E. Caefer, S.P. Tobin, J.C. Mikkelsen, Jr., and L.C. Kimerling, “Influence of oxygen and boron on defect production in irradiated silicon,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA 104 167 (1988).

J.M. Parsey, Jr., M.T. Asom, L.C. Kimerling, R. Sauer, and F.A. Thiel, “Thermal annealing and cooling-rate dependent electronic properties of bulk GaAs crystals,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting,Boston, MA 104 429 (1988).

H.S. Chen, S.H. Liou, A.R. Kortan, L.C. Kimerling, and G.S. Indig, “Novel method of making high T c material: liquid-gas-solidification processing,” Proceedings of the American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting, 400 (1988).

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L.C. Kimerling, “Silicon defects,” in Semiconductor Silicon, (Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 1987) p. 719.


L.C. Kimerling, “Structure and properties of the oxygen donor,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting,Boston, MA 59 83 (1986). INVITED

S.J. Pearton, A.M. Chantre, L.C. Kimerling, K.D. Cummings, and W.C. Dautremont-Smith, “Hydrogen passivation of oxygen donors in silicon, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in crystalline silicon,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA 59 475 (1986).

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L.C. Kimerling, R. Reif, E. Irene, J.J. Wortman, T. Segwick, and I. Calder, “Low thermal budget processing,” Proceedings of MCNC Panels on Major Technology Issues: Semiconductors, Raleigh, NC (1985).

L.C. Kimerling and J.R. Patel, “Silicon defects: Structures, chemistry and electrical properties,” in Silicon Materials – VLSI Electronics: Microstructure Science, 12 N.G. Einspruch, Ed. (Academic Press, NY, 1985) pp. 223-267.

K.M. Lee, L.C. Kimerling, and M.D. Sturge, “ODMR study of the killer center Fe in GaP: 0,” in Microscopic Identification of Electronic Defects in Semiconductors, N.M. Johnson, S.G. Bishop, and G.D. Watkins, Eds. 46 319 (1985).

M.Stavola, K.M. Lee, J.C. Nabity, P.E. Freeland, and L.C. Kimerling, “The effect of uniaxial stress on the infrared absorption bands due to the oxygen donor in silicon,” in Microscopic Identification of Electronic Defects in Semiconductors, N.M. Johnson, S.G. Bishop, and G.D. Watkins, Eds. 46 257 (1985).

L.C. Kimerling, J.L. Benton, K.M. Lee, and M. Stavola, “Defect structure and properties by junction spectroscopy,” in Microscopic Identification of Electronic Defects in Semiconductors, N.M. Johnson, S.G. Bishop, and G.D. Watkins Eds. 46 3 (1985). INVITED

1984 — N/A

1983 — N/A

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J.L. Benton, G.K. Celler, D.C. Jacobson, L.C. Kimerling, D.J. Lischner, G.L. Miller, and McD. Robinson, “Characterization of ion-implanted Si rapidly annealed with incoherent light,” in Laser and Electron Beam Interaction with Solids, B.R. Appleton and G.K. Celler, Eds. (North Holland, New York, 1982), p. 765.

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L.C. Kimerling and J.L. Benton, “The electrical activity of oxygen in silicon,” Proceedings of the 158 th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA, 80-2 1056 (1981).

L.C. Kimerling, J.L. Benton, and J.J. Rubin, “Transition metal impurities in silicon,” in Defects in Semiconductors/1980, (Institute of Physics, London, 1981), p. 217.

L.C. Kimerling, J.R. Patel, J.L. Benton, and P.E. Freeland, “Dislocations in silicon,” in Defects in Semiconductors/1980, (Institute of Physics, London, 1981), p. 401.

J.R. Patel and L.C. Kimerling, “Dislocation defect states in deformed silicon,” in Defects in Semiconductors, J. Narayan and T.Y. Tan, Eds. (North Holland, New York, 1981), pp. 273-277.

L.C. Kimerling, “Defect characterization by junction spectroscopy,” in Defects in Semiconductors, J. Narayan and T.Y. Tan, Eds. (North-Holland, New York, 1981), pp. 85-95. INVITED

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L.C. Kimerling, H.J. Leamy, and K.A. Jackson, “Photo-induced zone migration in semiconductors,” Proceedings of the 156 th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Los Angeles, CA 80-1 242 (1980).

L.C. Kimerling, “Imperfections in condensed matter,” Proceedings of the XXIII Welch Foundation Conference on Chemical Research, Houston, TX 220 (1980) INVITED

L.C. Kimerling, “Defects in laser processed semiconductors,” in Laser and Electron Beam Processing of Materials, (Academic Press, New York, 1980) p. 385. INVITED

J.L.Benton, C.J.Doherty, S.D. Ferris, L.C. Kimerling, H.J. Leamy, and G.K. Celler, “Post illumination annealing of defects in laser processed silicon,” in Laser and Electron Beam Processing of Materials, (Academic Press, New York, 1980), p. 430.

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The 1970s


L.C. Kimerling, “Defect state microscopy,” in Institute of Physics Conference Series, Chapter 3 43(London, 1979), p. 113. INVITED

L.C. Kimerling, “Electronic stimulation of defect processes in semiconductors,” in Institute of Physics Conference Series, Chapter 1 46 ( London, 1979), p. 56. INVITED

L.C. Kimerling, W.M. Gibson, and P. Blood, “Defect states in proton bombarded silicon: T<3000K,” in Institute of Physics Conference Series, Chapter 3 46 ( London, 1979), p. 273.

G.K. Celler, W.L. Brown, L.C. Kimerling, H. J. Leamy, G. L. Miller, J. M. Poate, G. A. Rozgonyi, and T.T. Sheng, “Characterization of ion implanted silicon annealed by laser irradiation,” in Institute of Physics Conference Series, Chapter 8 46 (London, 1979), p. 460.

J. L. Benton, L.C. Kimerling, G.L. Miller, and D.A.H. Robinson, “The electrical properties of laser annealed silicon,” in Electrical Characterization of Silicon, (American Institute of Physics, 1979) p. 543.

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H.S. Chen, L.C. Kimerling, J.M. Poate, and W.L. Brown, “Diffusion and viscosity in metallic glasses,” Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 486 (1978).

W.L. Brown, J.A. Golovchenko, K.A. Jackson, L.C. Kimerling, H.J. Leamy, G.L. Miller, J.M. Poate, J.W. Rodgers, G.A. Rozgonyi, T.T. Sheng, T.N.C. Venkatessen, and G.K. Celler, “Laser annealing of ion implanted semiconductors,” in Rapid Solidification Processing: Principles and Technologies, (Claitors, Baton Rouge, 1978) p. 123.

H.J. Leamy, L.C. Kimerling, and S.D. Ferris, “Electron beam induced current,” in Scanning Electron Microscopy 1978, (SEM Inc. AMF O’Hare, 1978) p. 717. INVITED

G.L. Miller, J.L. Benton, L.C. Kimerling, D.A.H. Robinson, and J.W. Rodgers, “Electrical properties of ion implanted Nd: YAG laser-annealed single crystal silicon,” in Semiconductor Characterization Techniques, (Electrochemical Society Princeton, 1978) p. 502.

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P.M. Petroff, L.C. Kimerling, and W.D. Johnston, Jr., “Electronic excitation dffect on the mobility of point defects and dislocations in GaAlAs-GaAs heterostructures,” in Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 1976, (Institute of Physics Conference Series 31, London, 1977) p. 362.

L.C. Kimerling, “Defect states in electron bombarded silicon-capacitance transient analyses,” in Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 1976, (Institute of Physics Conference Series 31, London, 1977) p. 221.

L.C. Kimerling, H.J. Leamy, J.L. Benton, S.D. Ferris, P.E. Freeland, and J.J. Rubin, “Analysis of impurity distributions and defect structures in semiconductors by SEM-charge collection microscopy,” in Semiconductor Silicon1977, (Electrochemical Society, Princeton, 1977) p. 468.

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D.V. Lang, R. A. Logan, and L.C. Kimerling, “Observation of deep level energy shifts as a function of composition in Al x Ga 1-x As mixed crystals,” Proceedings of the 13 th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Netherlands, 615 (1976).

H.J. Leamy, L.C. Kimerling, and S.D. Ferris, “Silicon single crystal characterization by SEM,” Scanning Electron Microscopy/1976 (Part IV), ITT Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 529 (1976). INVITED

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H.J. Leamy, A.J.R. de Kock, L.C. Kimerling, and S.D. Ferris, “Characterization of Si single crystals by conductivity mode scanning electron microscopy,” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Electron Microscopy Society of America Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Ed. G. W. Bailey, 260 (1975). INVITED

D.V. Lang and L.C. Kimerling, “A New technique for defect spectroscopy in semiconductors: Application to 1-MeV electron irradiated n-GaAs,” in Lattice Defects in Semiconductors, (Institute of Physics, London, 1975) p. 581.

L.C. Kimerling and J.M. Poate, “Lattice defects in ion implanted semiconductors,” in Lattice Defects in Semiconductor, (Institute of Physics, London, 1975) p. 126. INVITED

L.C. Kimerling and D.V. Lang, “Recombination enhanced defect reactions in semiconductors,” in Lattice Defects in Semiconductors, (Institute of Physics, London, 1975) p. 589.

1974 — N/A

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J. W. Diebold, H. M. DeAngelis, L.C. Kimerling, and J.J. Fitzgerald, “Junction Capacitance Techniques to Characterize Radiation Damage in silicon,” AFCRL Technical Report No. 73-0157.

L.C. Kimerling, P.J. Drevinsky, and C.S. Chen, “Defect unteractions in neutron-irradiated, lithium-doped silicon,” in Radiation Damage and Defects in Semiconductors, (Institute of Physics, London, 1973) p. 182.

J.W. Diebold, H.M. DeAngelis, and L.C. Kimerling, “Specific observations of radiation effects in semiconductors by junction-capacitance techniques,” in Radiation Damage and Defects in Semiconductors, (Institute of Physics, London, 1973) p. 295.

1972 — N/A

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L.C. Kimerling, “Radiation effects in n-type silicon semiconductors,” Proceedings of the AFSC Science and Engineering Symposium, Dayton, OH, 569 (1971).

T.J. Magee, J.J. Comer, and L.C. Kimerling, “Lithium precipitation in silicon,” Proceedings of the 29 th Annual Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, Boston, MA, 150 (1971).

R.E. Dinsmore, P.A. Armstrong, J.W. Harthorne, L.C. Kimerling, and C.A. Sanders, “The effect of length and multiplicity of stenoses in coronary artery disease: A mathematical approach,” Proceedings of the 44 th Scientific Session of the American Heart Association, Anaheim, CA, 726 (1971).

1970 — N/A

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The 1960s


L.C. Kimerling, L.B. Golovin, and H.C. Gatos, “Germanium radiation detectors compensated by irradiation defects,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Ottawa, Canada, 57 208 (1969).

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on Damage in silicon,” AFCRL Technical Report No. 73-0157.

L.C. Kimerling, P.J. Drevinsky, and C.S. Chen, “Defect unteractions in neutron-irradiated, lithium-doped silicon,” in Radiation Damage and Defects in Semiconductors, (Institute of Physics, London, 1973) p. 182.

J.W. Diebold, H.M. DeAngelis, and L.C. Kimerling, “Specific observations of radiation effects in semiconductors by junction-capacitance techniques,” in Radiation Damage and Defects in Semiconductors, (Institute of Physics, London, 1973) p. 295.

1972 — N/A

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L.C. Kimerling, “Radiation effects in n-type silicon semiconductors,” Proceedings of the AFSC Science and Engineering Symposium, Dayton, OH, 569 (1971).

T.J. Magee, J.J. Comer, and L.C. Kimerling, “Lithium precipitation in silicon,” Proceedings of the 29 th Annual Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, Boston, MA, 150 (1971).

R.E. Dinsmore, P.A. Armstrong, J.W. Harthorne, L.C. Kimerling, and C.A. Sanders, “The effect of length and multiplicity of stenoses in coronary artery disease: A mathematical approach,” Proceedings of the 44 th Scientific Session of the American Heart Association, Anaheim, CA, 726 (1971).

1970 — N/A

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The 1960s


L.C. Kimerling, L.B. Golovin, and H.C. Gatos, “Germanium radiation detectors compensated by irradiation defects,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Ottawa, Canada, 57 208 (1969).

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